How To Follow Jesus Without Being Religious - Real
Contemporary Service
Worship - Walk With Jesus
Good Good Father
Goodness Of God
Table Prayer
Teaching - How To Follow Jesus Without Being Religious - Real - 1 John 1:9
Closing Song - Is He Worthy
Traditional Service
Welcome and Announcements - Worship Leader - Derek Hutchinson
Joys and Concerns, Blessing Of Tithes And Offerings (Doxology)
Call To Worship - Choir - Jesus Name Above All Names - 86
Hymn - Praise To The Lord - 210
Special - Good To Know - Mike And Friends
Hymn - He Hideth My Soul - 611
Scripture Reading - 1 John 1:9
Sermon - How To Follow Jesus Without Being Religious: Real
Closing Hymn - Surely Goodness And Mercy - 691
Sermon Outline
How To Follow Jesus without Being Religious - Real.
I. The need to be real
a. There is a profound need for real Christians.
b. Their heart is set on drawing closer to God at any cost.
c. Their mind is not occupied by how their life looks to other believers.
d. They are busy chasing God.
e. They live for an audience of One.
f. Everyone else’s opinion is secondary.
g. They are real.
h. An ongoing passionate heart for God.
i. Matthew 5
II. The role of confession
a. 1 John 1:9
b. Larry Crab who said, “We’re only as healthy as our secrets.”
c. How about we begin by confessing our sins to God.
d. After all, our sins are no secret to Him. Right? He already knows.
e. Confessing our sins because it causes us to own them.
f. One of the things that will turn you into a religious person is the tendency to deny that you’re doing anything wrong.
g. One part of the fall is our need to defend ourselves and justify ourselves.
h. Genesis 3:9-13
i. Of course today we’d never involve things like the serpent.
j. We blame our upbringing, our family of origin, our spouse, our parents, our kids, our employer, our social media, our diets, our church. our name it.
k. 1 John 1:9 - John is saying...OWN IT. Be honest. Be real.
l. And when the Holy Spirit convicts you of real about it.
m. Generic prayers...Father...forgive my sin.
n. The more specific it is, the more effective it is.
o. Does your soul need generic grace or specific grace?
p. Generic confession leaves a lot of things unsaid.
q. If I keep my confessions generic, I really don’t have to change.
r. I don’t mean let it define who I am, but to confess my complete culpability.
III. The benefits of personal confession
a. Personal confession does a couple of amazing things.
b. When I confess to my Father, I am not tempted to holier than thou.
c. True confession produces true humility.
d. True confession creates true gratitude.
e. Being completely forgiven is a live changing experience.
f. I never wonder about where I stand with God.
g. I am free to enter into a deeper and deeper walk with Jesus.