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How To Follow Jesus Without Being Religious: Relentless

Contemporary Service

Opening Song: Tear Off The Roof






Worship - That’s The Power


                No Longer Slaves


                Here I Am To Worship


Release - Youth And Children’s Church


Table Prayer


Teaching - Relentless: The Life Of A Committed Believer - Philippians 3:10-14


Closing Song - God Ain’t Finished Yet


Traditional Service



Call To Worship - Choir - Breath On Me Breath Of God/Bringing The Light Of




Welcome - Debbie Sandridge - Worship Leader


Hymn - Be Still My Soul - 712


Joys and Concerns


Special - Rescue Story - Susan And Debbie


Hymn - The Joy Of The Lord - 541


Sermon - Relentless: The Life Of A Committed Believer - Philippians 3:10-14


Closing Hymn - They’ll Know We Are Christians - 429




Sermon Outline

How to Follow Jesus Without Being Religious - Relentless

I. Relentless

a. What DOES it mean to be a relentless Christian?

b. One who is committed. One who never quits. Never gives up.

c. Look at this the way Paul described it and experienced it.

d. First, lets look at what gets in the way.

e. 3 key things that can cause our commitment to falter.

f. Failure

g. Disappointment with God

h. A lack of purpose.

II. Failure - Hall of Shame

a. Moses - Exodus 3.

b. David - 2 Samuel 11.

c. Peter - Matthew 26

d. Paul - Acts 7

e. How did God deal with these 4 failures?

f. Failure is temporary unless WE make it permanent.

III. Disappointment with God

a. We ask or expect something from Him...

b. Something we want for ourselves or someone else..and the heavens seem silent.

c. Something that happens in our lives...the God I know would never allow this.

d. It’s like being really hurt in a relationship...Our commitment takes a hit.

IV. Lack of purpose - missing the big picture

a. We stop seeing ourselves as a part of God’s larger plan.

b. We have no problem believing that the God has a master plan for this world.

c. We just struggle to grasp that we have a part in that plan.

d. Jeremiah 19:11 says “For I know the plans I have for you...”

e. The big picture...John 3:16

V. This One Thing

a. Philippians 3:10-14 Paul speaks of how HE has stayed committed to Christ regardless of what life has thrown at him.

b. Paul describes the reality of the life of the committed believer...not there yet but reaching for it with all my strength...between the now and the not yet.

c. To live this life we must offer ourselves grace

d. The alternative is to just coast. To just accept whatever life gives me.

e. You and I will likely not find our faith challenged by all the suffering Paul describs

f. The greatest challenge to our faith is the temptation to live a small faith.

g. The Fellowship of the Unashamed

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